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Prof. Jean-Martin Charcot

Jean-Martin Charcotborn in Paris on 29 November 1825 and who died in Montsauche-les-Settons on 16 August 1893, was a French neurologist, professor of clinical neurological diseases at the Paris Medical Faculty and an academic.

Keep your eyes open and look, keep looking, keep on looking: only in this way will you ever come to see.

As the discoverer of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease that has gained its name in French medical literature, he is, along with Guillaume Duchenne, the founder of modern neurology and one of the great promoters of clinical medicine, a figure of positivism.

In 1868, he was the first to describe multiple sclerosis. In 1987, the Charcot Foundation was founded by the Belgian MS Study Group, an association of Belgian neurologists with expertise in multiple sclerosis. Its aim: to overcome the disease through fundamental research.